The Asia-Pacific in 2022: What to Expect
Table of Contents
What has the past decade revealed about Kim’s leadership style and goals for North Korea?
The Biden administration has returned a sense of normalcy to Asia policy. Unfortunately, that includes continuing a military-first approach to Asia.
Contrary to much reporting, Vietnam has not authorized independent workers’ unions.
With Beijing pushing a new definition of democracy, it’s worth looking back at China’s past experiments with democratic governments.
El Salvador’s experience offers a cautionary tale.
China’s climate diplomacy expands far beyond the COP process at this point, but its larger framework is often overlooked abroad.
China’s dominance over the commercial maritime sector may be a source of vulnerability for the U.S. and other geopolitical rivals moving forward.
The character for stability appeared 25 times in the summary notes for the 2021 Central Economic Work Conference, which outlines the government’s economic goals for the coming year.
The question of an Olympic boycott was the first big foreign policy test for new Prime Minister Kishida.
From pandemic-induced disruptions to the China-U.S. tensions, Seoul is rethinking how to ensure smooth supply chains.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in said the U.S., China, and North Korea have agreed to officially end the Korean War “in principle,” but can he initiate the proposal?
Given their shared values, close economic links, and convergent strategic interests, South Korea and Australia would do well to establish a deeper and more strategic partnership.
The new leader of the CDP is focusing on a policy-based approach to rebuild after a crushing election loss.
AFSPA is a draconian law that enables the armed forces to operate with impunity in “disturbed areas.”
Islamabad’s decision is unlikely to impact its relations with Washington much.
Its “soft Hindutva” rhetoric is aimed at drawing Hindu votes.
The NRF says it is pushing for a new trajectory in Afghanistan.
Concerns over Dhaka’s growing ties to China may underpin Washington’s decision.
Given the importance of oil and gas revenues to Myanmar’s junta, it is somewhat surprising that no action has yet been taken.
Unsolved murders of journalists, along with weaponized criminal libel laws, make the country a particularly hard place to report the news.
Unlike the U.S. and Europe, the nation is much less directly integrated into global supply chains.
Prime Minister Hun Sen proposed his eldest son Hun Manet as his successor. But he did not name a date – and many further questions remain unanswered.
The conflict in southern Thailand remains dormant, but is far from being resolved.
“The Central Asian region has been a disappointing one from the point of view of democracy-building,” a scholar commented back in 2000.
As Kyrgyzstan’s new parliament takes shape, Japarov has the government he asked for. Now for the hard part: governing.
Accession to the Eurasian Economic Union provided some relief to Kyrgyz migrant workers, but difficulties remain.
How green can the steppe become?
Samarkand recently joined the EBRD’s Green Cities program. Will it help citizens be heard?
Does the Pacific Islands Forum have the ability to be a driver of regional responses to instability?
Pro-independence groups boycotted the vote, COVID-19 further limited participation in the third referendum on the question of independence from France.
New Zealanders and traditional allies alike are looking for a strong stance from the Ardern government.
The U.S. has been largely subcontracting its foreign policy for many Pacific Islands to Australia and New Zealand. That needs to change.
The United States can’t afford to lose opportunities in the digital currency revolution.
Enforcing the deal could ironically prove to be its undoing. What options does Washington have?
Engagement by the United States throughout the wider Indian Ocean Region has a mixed record at best.
If the Taliban cannot manage the ISK threat effectively, it will metastasize.
Increasing integration of technology and information among allies highlights the importance of cybersecurity – and fixing fundamental flaws.
It is critical that the National Security Strategy review announced by Prime Minister Kishida include policies to improve Japan’s energy security.
Private companies bring some benefits to space developments, but also add to governance challenges.
Glimpses of India in “Eternals” are like a film within a film: a Hollywood representation of a country borrowed from Bollywood.
High-profile politician Kao Chia-yu revealed she had been assaulted by her boyfriend, sparking sympathy from some and cynical political attacks from others.
There can only be one superstar in China, and that’s the Communist Party.